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Douglas & Douglas Jacksonville Personal Injury Lawyer
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Auto Accident Lawyer

Unfortunately, auto collisions are a part of life here in Florida and throughout the U.S. Thousands of lives are needlessly lost due to aggressive drivers, careless drivers, and a society that places more value on speed and individualism than the greater good and safety of the community. If you were injured by a careless driver, our auto accident lawyers here at Douglas & Douglas can help you get the settlement award that you are desperately in need of to cover your medical expenses and other damages.

How Did the Crash Happen?

According to research and reported by Stanford Law School, driver behavioral error leads to collisions in 99 percent of cases. Other studies have come to similar conclusions, ranging between 90 and 99 percent. Distraction, aggressive driving, drunk driving, and fatigued driving lead to the primary driving behavioral mistakes that lead to injuries and death. Chances are that the other driver’s behavioral errors directly caused your injuries. Below are a few scenarios of how most crashes occur:

  • Failure to Yield From a Side Street—Drivers pulling out from side streets or parking lots are obligated to yield right of way to traffic, pedestrians, and cyclists already on that road. Due to impatience, T-bone and rear-end collisions occur when a driver fails to yield right of way.
  • Speeding—According to the Insurance Information Institute, one in four collisions involve excessive speed. Whether the driver’s excessive speed caused them to lose control of their vehicle, they sped through a red light, or they rear-ended a slower moving or stopped vehicle, they must be held accountable for their careless or reckless actions.
  • Following Too Closely—Tailgating is common among aggressive drivers, texting or otherwise distracted drivers, drowsy drivers, and drunk drivers. Essentially, drivers end up tailgating as a default when they have chosen to prioritize their speed or entertainment needs above the safety and welfare of other road users.
  • Improper Lane Changes—Failing to check side and rear view mirrors, or looking over one’s shoulder, is just one example of an improper lane change. Another, more egregious, example of improperly changing lanes occurs when an impatient, aggressive driver switches from lane to lane rapidly, attempting to shave off a few seconds of their commute by finding the fastest route.
  • Drifting Into Oncoming Traffic—More and more crashes are being caused by technology—phones and GPS—and many of these collisions are head-on, and result in death or serious injury. By looking at a phone, falling asleep, or being drunk, drivers who drift out of their lane into oncoming traffic are a serious risk to everyone on the road.

Damages in Your Car Crash

You may be entitled to some or all of the following types of damages:

  • Medical expenses;
  • Future projected medical expenses;
  • Lost earning ability;
  • Lost wages;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional distress;
  • Loss of joy of life;
  • Travel expenses to your doctor;
  • Property damage; and
  • More. 

Our Auto Accident Attorney Can Help

Were you injured in an auto wreck by a negligent driver? If so, you are entitled to recover your damages through their insurance policy. Our Douglas & Douglas auto accident attorneys can help you get started at once. Contact us at 904-201-8226 to schedule a free consultation today.

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