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Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Most of us place our trust in medical facilities to provide a high standard of care during treatment. This expectation intensifies when it comes to nursing homes, as many believe that their loved ones residing in these facilities will receive exceptional care. Unfortunately, this is often not the reality—numerous incidents of nursing home abuse and neglect are reported each year, placing our society's most vulnerable members at risk of harm.

If you suspect or know that your loved one has fallen victim to nursing home abuse, contact our nursing home abuse attorney right away for a free consultation and legal support.

Defining Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse refers to physical or psychological harm inflicted upon a nursing home resident by a nursing home staff member. There are four primary types of nursing home abuse:

  • Physical abuse – Physical abuse refers to physical acts that are taken against the elderly person in an attempt to cause physical harm, fear, or intimidation. Signs of physical abuse may include bruises, unexplained injuries, marks, welts, and fear.
  • Psychological/emotional abuse – Elderly persons may be berated, threatened, harassed, teased, or excluded from social events. Signs of psychological/emotional abuse include social withdrawal, anxiety, angry outbursts, depression, and crying.
  • Sexual abuse – The sexual abuse of a resident within a nursing home is an especially depraved act. Signs of sexual abuse might include bloodied undergarments, torn clothing, bruising, or even new STDs.
  • Financial exploitation – Finally, a nursing home staff member may take advantage of a resident by exploiting them financially. Changes to bank accounts, new credit cards, estate plan changes, and large cash withdrawals are all signs of potential financial exploitation.

Nursing home neglect is another serious problem. While neglect may lack the intent that abuse does, it can be equally as damaging. Those who are guilty of nursing home neglect should be held responsible for the harm they’ve caused.

Who’s Liable for Nursing Home Abuse?

When a nursing home resident is abused, the consequences for that resident can be great. They may experience a deterioration in health condition, may fail to get the medication or medical treatment they need, may suffer psychologically, and may even be more inclined to experience an early death as the direct result of the abuse. Parties who may be held liable for nursing home abuse include:

  • The abusive party;
  • The nursing home; or
  • A third party whose negligence caused or contributed to the nursing home resident’s harm.

Our Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Can Help

At the law firm of Douglas & Douglas, Attorneys at Law, we recognize the profound impact that discovering a loved one has endured nursing home abuse can have on your family. If you believe that abuse is occurring, dial 911 if it poses an immediate threat to life, and promptly report the incident to the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. Afterward, reach out to our Jacksonville nursing home abuse attorneys for a complimentary consultation. We are here to assist you in documenting the abuse, determining who is responsible, and pursuing compensation for the harm experienced.

Please reach us today online or by phone for your free consultation.

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